The angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.
Luke 1:26–27
Words: Traditional carol from Sussex, England. Sung by Mummers, called in Sussex
after their play of St. George, the Turk and the Seven Champions of Christendom. Words put into shape from two very illiterate versions written down from memory by two of the actors.
Music: Arranged by H. F. Birch Reynardson in Sussex Songs (Popular Songs of Sussex) (London: Stanley Lucas, Weber, 1890), number 1 (🔊 pdf nwc).
A glorious angel from Heaven came
Unto the virgin maid;
Strange news and tidings of great joy
The humble Mary had,
The humble Mary had.
Each mortal man remembers well,
When Christ came down from Heav’n,
’Twas for our sins and wicked ways
His precious blood was giv’n,
His precious blood was giv’n.
Each mortal man remembers well,
When Christ was put to scorn;
He was taken to the judgment seat
And crownèd with the thorn,
And crownèd with the thorn.
Each mortal man remembers well,
When Christ our Savior died,
He was crucified upon the tree,
With thieves on either side,
With thieves on either side.
Each mortal man remembers well,
How Christ died on the rood,
’Twas for our sins and wicked ways,
Christ shed His precious blood,
Christ shed His precious blood.
Each mortal man remembers well,
When Christ was wrapped in clay,
He was taken to a sepulcher
Where never man did lay,
Where never man did lay.
God bless your house, your children, too,
Your cattle and your store;
The Lord increase you day by day,
And give you more and more,
And give you more and more.