Scripture Verse

My days are like a shadow that declineth. Psalm 102:11


Maria F. Cowper (1722–1797)

Words: Ma­ria F. Cow­per, in Orig­in­al Po­ems on Va­ri­ous Oc­ca­sions, 1792.

Music: Nox Prae­ces­sit John B. Cal­kin, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cal­kin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John B. Calkin (1827–1905)


My span of life will soon be done,
The pass­ing mo­ments say;
As length­en­ing sha­dows o’er the mead
Proclaim the close of day.

O that my heart might dwell aloof
From all cre­at­ed things,
And learn that wis­dom from above
Whence true con­tent­ment springs!

Courage, my soul! thy bit­ter cross,
In eve­ry tri­al here,
Shall bear thee to thy hea­ven above,
But shall not en­ter there.

Courage, my soul, on God re­ly;
Deliverance soon will come;
A thou­sand ways has Pro­vi­dence
To bring be­liev­ers home.