Scripture Verse

Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation. Psalm 62:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 161.

Music: How­ard (Wil­son), Wil­son’s Se­lect­ion of Psalm Tunes, 1825 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


My soul in si­lence waits for God,
My Sav­ior He has proved;
He on­ly is my rock and tow­er;
I ne­ver shall be moved.

My en­emies my ru­in seek,
They plot with fraud and guile;
Deceitful, they pre­tend to bless,
But in­ward­ly re­vile.

My soul in si­lence waits for God,
He is my help ap­proved;
He on­ly is my rock and tow­er,
And I shall not be moved.

My hon­or is se­cure with God,
My Sav­ior He is known;
My re­fuge and my rock of strength
Are found in God alone.

On Him, ye peo­ple, ev­er­more
Rely with con­fi­dence;
Before Him pour ye out your heart,
For God is our de­fense.

For sure­ly men are help­ers vain,
The high and the abased;
Yea, light­er than a breath are they
When in the bal­ance placed.

Trust not in harsh op­press­ion’s pow­er
Nor in un­right­eous gain;
If wealth in­crease, yet on your gold
Ye set your hearts in vain.

For God has spok­en o’er and o’er,
And un­to me has shown,
That sav­ing pow­er and last­ing strength
Belong to Him alone.

Yea, lov­ing-kind­ness ev­er­more
Belongs to Thee, O Lord;
And Thou ac­cord­ing to his work
Dost ev­ery man re­ward.