Scripture Verse

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11


Words: At­trib­ut­ed to George S. Rail­ton, in the Chris­tian Mis­sion Ma­ga­zine, 1874.

Music: Welsh air (🔊 pdf nwc).

George S. Railton (1849–1913)


Christian, rouse thee! war is rag­ing,
God with sin is bat­tle wag­ing,
Every ran­somed pow­er en­gag­ing,
Break the tempt­er’s spell.
Dare ye still lie fond­ly dream­ing,
Wrapt in ease and world­ly schem­ing,
While the mul­ti­tudes are stream­ing,
Downwards in­to hell.


Thro’ the world re­sound­ing,
Let the Gos­pel sound­ing,
Summon all at Je­sus’ call,
His glo­ri­ous cross sur­round­ing;
Sons of God, earth’s tri­fles leav­ing,
Be not faith­less, but be­liev­ing,
To your con­qu’ring cap­tain cleav­ing,
Forward to the fight.

Lord, we come, and from Thee nev­er,
Self nor earth our hearts shall sev­er,
Thine en­tire­ly, Thine for­ev­er,
We will fight and die.
To a world of re­bels dy­ing,
Heaven, and hell, and God de­fy­ing,
Everywhere we’ll still be cry­ing,
Will ye per­ish, why?


Hark! I hear the war­ri­ors shout­ing,
Now the hosts of hell we’re rout­ing,
Courage! on­ward! nev­er doubt­ing,
We shall win the day.
See the foe be­fore us fall­ing,
Sinners on the Sav­ior call­ing,
Throwing off the bond­age gall­ing,
Join our glad ar­ray.
