Scripture Verse

He rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Matthew 18:13


Julia H. Thayer (1847–?)

Words: Ju­lia H. Thay­er, 1882.

Music: Gua­rul­hos Hen­ry L. Gil­mour, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)


The Lost Sheep
Alfred U. Soord (1868–1915)

Late at night I saw the Shep­herd
Toiling slow along the hill,
Though the flock be­low were ga­thered
In the fold so warm and still;
On His face I saw the ang­uish,
In His locks the drops of night,
As He searched the mis­ty val­leys,
As He climbed the fros­ty heights.

Just one ten­der lamb was miss­ing,
When He called them all by name;
While the oth­ers heard and fol­lowed
This one, on­ly, nev­er came.
Oft His voice rang thro’ the dark­ness
Of that long, long night of pain,
Oft He vain­ly paused to list­en
For an an­swer­ing tone again.

Far away the tru­ant sleep­ing,
By the chasm of des­pair;
Lay un­con­scious of its dan­ger,
Shivering in the mount­ain air.
But at last the Shep­herd found it,
Found it ere in sleep it died,
Took it in His lov­ing bo­som,
And His soul was sa­tis­fied.

This ad­di­tion­al verse may be used with tunes of 87.87 me­ter:

Then I saw the east­ern spac­es
Part before a shin­ing throng,
And the gold­en dome of morn­ing
Seemed to shat­ter in­to song.