Scripture Verse

Go work today in My vineyard. Matthew 21:28


Isaiah Baltzell (1832–1893)

Words & Mu­sic: Isai­ah Balt­zell, in The Se­venth-Day Ad­vent­ist Hymn and Tune Book, ed­it­ed by Ed­win Barnes & Frank­lin E. Bel­den (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: Re­view & Her­ald, 1886), num­ber 1264 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Far away, be­yond the sea,
Where the fields are bright and fair,
There’s a call, a plaint­ive plea;
I must hast­en to be there.


Let me go, I can­not stay,
’Tis the Mas­ter call­ing me;
Let me go, I must ob­ey;
Native land, fare­well to thee.

Hark! I hear the Mas­ter say,
Up, ye reap­ers! why so slow?
To the vine­yard far away,
Earthly kin­dred, let me go.


Just be­yond the roll­ing tide
The up­lift­ed hand I see;
Lo! the gates are op­en wide,
And the lost are call­ing me.


Father, mo­ther, sis­ter dear,
I must bid you all adieu;
Hark! the call is sound­ing clear,
There’s a work for me to do.


Bear me on, thou rest­less sea,
Let the winds the can­vas swell;
Afric’s shore I long to see,
[substitute name of coun­try to suit]
Native land, fare­well, fare­well.
