Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Words: S. Vir­gin­ia Le­vis, in Songs for Work and Wor­ship, by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, J. How­ard Ent­wisle, Pow­ell G. Fi­thi­an, Ad­am Gei­bel & R. Frank Leh­man (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz, 1900), num­ber 62.

Music: Tuc­son Ad­am Gei­bel, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Le­vis (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


When Je­sus comes to gather all His jewels,
When He shall come, His own and loved to claim,
Then what re­joic­ing! peace be­yond ex­press­ing,
For the re­deemed who trust­ed in His name.
The ran­somed host shall see their bless­èd Sav­ior,
They shall be­hold their mas­ter face to face;
And they who once did walk in faith be­side Him,
Shall, with re­joic­ing, rest in His em­brace.

What tho’ dis­tressed by dir­est tri­bu­la­tion;
Look then to Christ, He’ll qui­et all your fears!
What tho’ the hours were spent in si­lent weep­ing?
His pierc­èd hand shall wipe away all tears!
What tho’ the dark night still be grow­ing dark­er?
Yet will the sha­dows ev­ery one be gone!
’Tis but the hour that must pre­cede the glo­ry,
Of that new day of the mil­len­ni­al dawn!

In the ef­ful­gence of that per­fect day­break,
When sin and sor­row shall be put to flight,
The hea­vy clouds that once be­dimmed our vi­sion,
Shall be rolled back, and Christ shall stand in sight.
Then Chris­tians, up! be gird­ing on your ar­mor;
Grasp ye the sword, O ev­er hold it fast;
Christ as your cap­tain, ne’er will let you fal­ter;
After the con­flict, peace shall reign at last!