Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: Su­san K. Bourne, 1892.

Music: Al­bert J. Hol­den (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bourne or Hol­den (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Merry Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
Filling all the fros­ty air,
And the hap­py child­ren sing­ing,
Greet this day of days most fair;
Every Chris­tian heart re­spond­ing
Gladly joins the sweet re­frain—
O ye sons of men, be joy­ful,
Christmas day has come again.


Yes, the Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
Ringing out the sweet re­frain—
O ye sons of men, be joy­ful,
Christmas day has come again.

May a spark of ho­ly feel­ing
Softly ev­ery bo­som thrill,
Love div­ine anew re­veal­ing
In the gos­pel of good will.
Oh! how sweet the Christ­mas mes­sage
With its gift of heav’n­ly peace!
Words of ho­ly be­ne­dict­ion,
Echoing till time shall cease!


Christian hearts, sing out your glad­ness!
See the star ce­les­ti­al shine!
Leave your doubts, for­get your sad­ness,
Welcome now the Babe di­vine!
Then reflect the heav’n­ly glo­ry,
Tell it to the world again;
Live the bless­èd Christ­mas sto­ry!
Peace on earth, good will to men!
