Scripture Verse

I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10


Hermann Kotzschmar (1829–1909)

Words: M. E. Waite.

Music: Her­man Kotzsch­mar (1829–1909) (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know Waite’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Merry Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
Ringing far and near,
Angel voic­es sweet­ly sing­ing,
Singing soft and clear;
Glory! for the Lord is come,
Jesus makes the earth His home.

Happy voic­es catch the ec­ho
Of the an­gels’ song;
Grand old chant, and joy­ous car­ol,
Ring the aisles along.
Let our lips their hom­age pay
To the Sav­ior born to­day.

Graceful Christ­mas greens are wreath­ing
Column, choir and nave;
While their cross-tipped boughs say ev­er,
Jesus comes to save.
And the spi­cy fir’s per­fume
Breathes its wel­come: Christ is come!

In our souls let glad obe­di­ence,
Faith and love ent­wine,
Yielding Christ­mas od­ors sweet­er
Than the frag­rant pine;
So our hearts shall hom­age pay
To the Sav­ior, born to­day.

Precious Christ­mas gifts are glad­den­ing
Many a heart and home;
But the Gift all gifts ex­cel­ling,
Christ, Him­self, is come;
In your hearts make speedy room,
For the Christ, the Lord is come!

And have we no gifts to of­fer
To our Lord and king?
Lord, ourselves, our souls and bo­dies
Unto Thee we bring.
With our lips glad hom­age pay
To the Sav­ior, born to­day!