Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen. Luke 24:34


Words: Ri­chard R. Chope (1830–1928). Ap­peared in Car­ols Old and Car­ols New, ed­it­ed by Charles L. Hut­chins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 150, alt.

Music: Pa­rá George B. Lis­sant (1827–1899) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Chope or Lis­sant (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Orthodox Festival of Red Easter
Donetsk, Ukraine, 2011
Andrew Butko
Wikimedia Commons


Merrily the East­er bells
Ringing from tow­er and stee­ple,
Telling of the death­less Love,
Living for His peo­ple.
Alleluia! notes of joy
Wondrously are blend­ing
With the sad­ness yes­ter-eve
Of the Life so end­ing.

But the night has passed away,
Sweetly the bells are ring­ing,
He our joy this morn has come,
We, too, now are sing­ing:
Alleluia! Christ is ris­en,
So will we be ris­ing—
He from death, and we from sin,
Loving life and priz­ing.

Up through all the heav’n­ly spheres,
Ringing the old, old sto­ry,
As we sing the East­er joy
Of the Lord of Glo­ry.
Alleluia! an­gels sing
Songs of joy with mor­tals—
Of the way of Life to­day
Christ un­barred the por­tals.

All our doubts and fears are gone,
Cheerily the peal­ing
Through the blind­ing mist of tears
Wakens joy­ous feel­ing.
Alleluia! ring again,
Christ has passed the ri­ver,
As He rose and lives would we
Rise and live for ev­er!