Scripture Verse

In the land of promise. Hebrews 11:9


William T. Dale (1845–1924)

Words: Will­iam T. Dale, Times of Re­fresh­ing (Ma­con, Georg­ia: J. W. Burke, 1893).

Music: Sam­uel L. Ho­ward, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Dale or Ho­ward,

Samuel L. Howard


I am on my jour­ney home,
Where my Sav­ior beck­ons, Come,
And the saints no more shall roam,
Meet me there;
Where the ma­ny man­sions are,
And no sick­ness en­ters there,
Where the skies are al­ways fair,
Meet me there.


Meet me there, meet me there,
Over in the land of pro­mise,
Meet me there;
On the bright and sun­ny shore,
With our loved ones gone be­fore,
And with those now cross­ing o’er,
Meet me there.

In that land be­yond the sky,
There will be no pain or sigh,
Tears shall nev­er dim the eye,
Meet me there;
Oh, the joy of meet­ing there,
Where no heart is bowed with care,
And each mind is freed from fear,
Meet me there.


Soon our tri­als will be o’er,
And we’ll stand on Ca­naan’s shore,
Safe with those who’ve gone be­fore;
Meet me there;
There the saints shall nev­er part,
Sorrow ne’er shall rend the heart;
Will you now to glo­ry start?
Meet me there.


What a meeting there will be,
When our Sav­ior’s face we’ll see,
And with loved ones ev­er be;
Meet me there.
To that land let’s tra­vel on,
Till we stand be­fore the throne,
And re­ceive a shin­ing crown;
Meet me there.
