Scripture Verse

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop, but a good word maketh it glad. Proverbs 12:25


Words: Cal­ia Alt­staet­ter, 1915. Ap­peared in The New Cokes­bu­ry Hym­nal, mu­sic ed­it­ed by Charles C. Wash­burn (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Cokes­bu­ry Press, 1928), num­ber 243.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Alt­staet­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)


If your own sor­rows you want to for­get,
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day;
If in your heart you would know no re­gret,
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.
Others near by you may be in des­pair,
Struggling ’neath cross­es so hea­vy to bear;
They may take heart, if you show that you care—
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.


Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.
O sing a glad song on your way;
The good that you do brings bless­ing to you,
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.

If you seek plea­sure no trou­ble can mar,
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day;
You’ll find it wait­ing you, right where you are,
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.
Is your life dark­ened by hopes that were vain?
Go help ano­ther his goal to at­tain!
What you have lost, by your help he may gain—
Make some­bo­dy hap­py to­day.


Do not complain that you’ve nothing to give,
Make somebody happy today;
Do your whole duty, and preach as you live,
Make somebody happy today.
Though you have only a smile, or a flower,
Give it, and speak of His love, of His power;
You may cheer many a pain-weary hour—
Make somebody happy today.
