Scripture Verse

I am thy fellow servant. Revelation 19:10


Words: Rha­ba­nus Mau­rus (776–856) (Ti­bi Chris­te, splen­dor Pa­tris). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by the com­pil­ers of Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889.

Music: Hart­ing Fred­er­ick A. J. Her­vey, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Rhabanus Maurus (776–856)


Saint Michael the Archangel
Guido Reni, 1635

Life and strength of all Thy ser­vants,
Brightness of the Fa­ther’s light;
Men with an­gels, earth with Hea­ven,
In Thy praise their songs unite.

Thousand, thou­sand war­ri­or princ­es
In Thine an­gel ar­my stand;
Flames the vic­tor cross be­fore them,
Grasped in Mi­chael’s daunt­less hand.

Hurling back from Heav’n the re­bels
With the lift­ing of his sword,
In the might of God he tram­ples
On the dra­gon’s head ab­horred.

Lord of an­gels, Christ, we pray Thee,
Bid them aid us in our strife,
Chase afar the hosts of ev­il,
Till we reach the land of life.

God the Fa­ther, God im­mor­tal,
God the Son, for us who died,
God the Com­fort­er, the Spir­it,
Evermore be glo­ri­fied!