Scripture Verse

I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. Isaiah 13:13


Armas T. V. Maasalo (1885–1960)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns Oc­ca­sioned by the Earth­quake, March 8, 1750, Part 2 (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1750), num­ber 10.

Music: Je­sus, Hear Ar­mas T. V. Maa­sa­lo (1885–1960) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Lord of hosts, we bow be­fore Thee,
The pro­phet­ic word re­ceive,
Now our pros­trate souls ad­ore Thee,
Now we trem­ble, and be­lieve:
Thou the pro­mised sign hast giv­en—
O that all might un­der­stand!
I will shake the earth and Heav­en;
I will shake the sea and land.

Wars, and plagues, and great dis­tress­es,
The tre­men­dous day fore­run;
Earthquakes felt in di­vers plac­es
Show the lat­ter times be­gun;
Want and na­tion­al con­fu­sion,
Boding grief, and pan­ic, fear,
Mark the times of res­ti­tu­tion,
Speak the great Re­stor­er near.

Never can Thy word be brok­en,
Though the world shall pass away;
Quickened by ano­ther tok­en,
Lord, we wait to see Thy day,
Big with ear­nest ex­pec­ta­tion,
Swells our heart to make Thee room,
Come, de­sire of ev­ery nation,
To Thy hum­an tem­ple come!

Bring the king­dom of Thy Spir­it,
Joy, and right­eous­ness, and peace;
Purchased by Thy dy­ing mer­it,
Every child of man pos­sess;
Come to us, who lang­uish for Thee,
Us, who long Thy face to see,
Fill the lat­ter house with glo­ry,
Then re­ceive us up to Thee.