I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger.
Isaiah 13:13
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns Occasioned by the Earthquake, March 8, 1750, Part 2 (London: Strahan, 1750), number 10.
Music: Jesus, Hear Armas T. V. Maasalo (1885–1960) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Lord of hosts, we bow before Thee,
The prophetic word receive,
Now our prostrate souls adore Thee,
Now we tremble, and believe:
Thou the promised sign hast given—
O that all might understand!
I will shake the earth and Heaven;
I will shake the sea and land.
Wars, and plagues, and great distresses,
The tremendous day forerun;
Earthquakes felt in divers places
Show the latter times begun;
Want and national confusion,
Boding grief, and panic, fear,
Mark the times of restitution,
Speak the great Restorer near.
Never can Thy word be broken,
Though the world shall pass away;
Quickened by another token,
Lord, we wait to see Thy day,
Big with earnest expectation,
Swells our heart to make Thee room,
Come, desire of every nation,
To Thy human temple come!
Bring the kingdom of Thy Spirit,
Joy, and righteousness, and peace;
Purchased by Thy dying merit,
Every child of man possess;
Come to us, who languish for Thee,
Us, who long Thy face to see,
Fill the latter house with glory,
Then receive us up to Thee.