Scripture Verse

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers. Matthew 9:38


Laura E. Newell (1854–1916)

Words: Lau­ra E. New­ell, 1898.

Music: Grant C. Tul­lar (🔊 pdf nwc).

Grant C. Tullar (1869–1950)


The Lord of the har­vest is com­ing,
We know not the day it will be
When He shall ap­pear to His peo­ple,
The hour we His glo­ry shall see.
Oh soul, are you rea­dy to meet Him,
His own can you joy­ful­ly yield,
When Je­sus shall come in His beau­ty
To earth, to His great har­vest field?


The Lord of the har­vest is com­ing, is com­ing;
We know not the day and we know not the hour,
When He shall ap­pear in His glo­ry,
His might and His won­der­ful pow­er.

The Lord of the har­vest is com­ing,
The world shall ack­now­ledge His might
When He shall des­cend with His an­gels,
His an­gels of glo­ry and light.
A mes­sage of joy to His faith­ful,
But where will the faith­less be found?
When Je­sus shall come to His peo­ple
His voice through the world shall re­sound.


The Lord of the har­vest is com­ing,
Be rea­dy, He bids thee to wait,
For oh, in the clouds we shall see Him,
If ear­ly He com­eth, or late.
Prepare, nor delay, bid Him wel­come,
So soon His dear face thou shalt see,
The Sav­ior is com­ing so sure­ly,
A mes­sage He’ll bring un­to thee.
