Scripture Verse

Revive us, and we will call on Your name. Psalm 80:18


Words & Mu­sic: Bay­lus B. Mc­Kin­ney, in Ev­an­gel Bells, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert H. Cole­man (Dal­las, Tex­as: Ro­bert H. Cole­man, 1927) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Baylus B. McKinney (1886–1952)


Send a re­viv­al, O Christ, my Lord,
Let it go ov­er the land and sea;
Send it ac­cord­ing to Thy dear Word,
And let it be­gin in me.


Lord, send a re­vi­val, Lord, send a re­vi­val;
Lord, send a re­vi­val, and let it begin in me.

Send a re­vi­val among Thine own,
Help us to turn from our sins away;
Let us draw near to the Fa­ther’s throne,
Revive us again, we pray.


Send a re­vi­val to those in sin,
Help them, O Je­sus, to turn to Thee;
Let them the new life in Thee begin,
Oh, give them the vic­to­ry.


Send a re­vi­val in every heart,
Draw the world near­er, O Lord, to Thee;
Let Thy sal­va­tion true joy im­part,
And let it be­gin in me.
