Scripture Verse

The Lord God of recompenses shall surely requite. Jeremiah 51:56


Words: Ben­ja­min Bed­dome (1717–1795). Pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in Hymns Adapt­ed to Pub­lic Wor­ship (Lon­don: Bu­rton & Briggs, 1818), num­ber 795. Eq­ui­ty and Mer­cy.

Music: Chi­sel­hurst Jo­seph Barn­by, 1887 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bed­dome (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)
National Portrait Gallery



The Lord, the right­eous Judge,
Explores the hearts of men;
The mean­est ser­vice done to Him,
He will req­uite again.

The sin­ner He con­demns
To ne­ver-ceas­ing woe,
Where storms of fie­ry ven­geance beat,
And tears of ang­uish flow.

The saint He takes to Heav’n,
To be comp­lete­ly blessed,
Where foes nor fears can e’er in­vade,
Or guilt dis­tract his breast.

Justice and mer­cy then
Will both be clear­ly seen,
With glo­ry the re­ward of grace,
And wrath the fruit of sin.