Scripture Verse

God…is rich in mercy. Ephesians 2:4


Thomas T. Lynch (1818–1871)

Words: Tho­mas T. Lynch, 1850.

Music: Land of Rest Ri­chard S. New­man, 1879 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of New­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord is rich and mer­ci­ful,
The Lord is ve­ry kind;
O come to Him, come now to Him,
With a be­liev­ing mind.
His com­forts, they shall strength­en thee,
Like flow­ing wa­ters cool;
And He shall for thy spir­it be
A fount­ain ev­er full.

The Lord is glo­ri­ous and strong
Our God is ve­ry high;
O trust in Him, trust now in Him,
And have se­cur­ity.
He shall be to thee like the sea,
And thou shalt sure­ly feel
His wind, that blow­eth health­ily
Thy sick­ness­es to heal.

The Lord is won­der­ful and wise,
As all the ag­es tell;
O learn of Him, learn now of Him,
Then with thee it is well.
And with His light thou shalt be blest,
Therein to work and live;
And He shall be to thee a rest
When ev­en­ing hours ar­rive.