Scripture Verse

These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:14


Words: Su­san­na Har­ris­on, Songs in the Night (Ip­swich, Eng­land: Pun­chard & Jer­myn, 1780), pag­es 118–19.

Music: Acush­net, in The Mo­dern Harp, by Ed­ward L. White & John E. Gould (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1847) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


Look, O my soul, with­in the veil,
View that un­num­bered throng,
Whose joys can ne­ver, ne­ver fail,
While Je­sus is their song.

O hap­py souls! for ev­er freed
From sin and ev­ery snare,
They reign with their ex­alt­ed Head,
And palms of vic­to­ry bear.

They glo­ry in their con­quer­ing God,
And see Him as He is:
Their robes are spot­less through His blood,
Their hap­pi­ness like His.

But I am in a world of woe,
Acquainted still with grief;
Affliction I’m or­dained to know,
When shall I get re­lief?

They once were sore dis­tressed, like me,
Till Heav’n sub­dued their fear;
They sailed o’er tri­bu­la­tion’s sea
Before they land­ed there.

Then may I live by faith on God,
On ev­ery pro­mise giv’n;
And still con­fide in Je­su’s blood,
And wait re­signed for Heav’n.

Jesus will sure­ly bring me there
In His ap­point­ed time;
On Him, my soul, cast all thy care,
Rely alone on Him.