Scripture Verse

When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, but terror to evildoers. Proverbs 21:15


Words: James Holme, Hymns and Sac­red Po­et­ry (Lon­don & Ed­in­burgh, Scotland: J. Bry­done and Sons; Rich­mond: John Bell, 1861), pag­es 103–04, alt.

Music: Me­ri­bah Lo­well Ma­son, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Holme (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Lord, God of Hosts, who dost ful­fill
In Heav’n and earth Thy so­ver­eign will,
For Heav’n and earth are Thine,
The coun­cils of our na­tion bless
With wis­dom, truth, and ho­li­ness,
With light and love di­vine.

Whate’er they seek, what­e’er de­cree,
O may they lift their hearts to Thee,
For Thine al­migh­ty aid.
Free them from sin’s cor­rupt­ing sway,
Teach them to show the heav’n­ward way
Where hum­bler men may tread.

Be it their cher­ished, fixed de­sign
To make Thy grace, Thy glo­ry shine,
And ground our laws in Thee.
Thy Church from er­ror to de­fend,
Until its light to Heav’n as­cend,
And spread from sea to sea.

When Thou in ter­ror ris­est forth
To sweep the wick­ed from the earth
With dread re­sist­less stroke,
Our na­tion shield with shel­ter­ing arm,
Her tow­er of re­fuge from the storm,
Her ev­er­last­ing rock.