Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


Words: Jo­se­phine D. Heard, in the Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Hymn and Tune Book (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Book Con­cern, 1898), num­ber 741.

Music: Der­rick (Yeo­cum) Ida M. Ye­ocum, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Yeo­cum (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Josephine D. Heard (1861–1924)


Lo! the glo­ri­ous dawn is break­ing,
And the night of gloom is gone,
All the earth from slum­ber wak­ing,
Hails with joy the East­er morn!
Lo! the sun’s bright rays are peep­ing
Over Cal­va­ry’s crim­son height;
Soldier guards who watch were keep­ing,
Saw Him rise in pow­er and might!
Lo! the sun’s bright rays are peep­ing
Over Cal­va­ry’s crim­son height;
Soldier guards who watch were keep­ing,
Saw Him rise in pow­er and might!

Mary ran with foot­steps fleet­er,
Than the oth­er two that went—
Where an ang­el sat to greet her,
And the grave a glo­ry lent.
With their spic­es they were go­ing,
To the tomb where Je­sus lay—
Faithful ones, with­out the know­ing,
Who should roll the stone away?
With their spic­es they were go­ing,
To the tomb where Je­sus lay—
Faithful ones, with­out the know­ing,
Who should roll the stone away?

To the rich man’s new se­pul­cher,
Mary’s ea­ger feet drew near;
Lo, she saw the tomb was op­en,
And her heart was filled with fear!
At the grave she stooped, and peep­ing,
Angels saw in white ar­rayed,
Where her Lord was late­ly sleep­ing,
And the clothes aside were laid!
At the grave she stooped, and peep­ing,
Angels saw in white ar­rayed,
Where her Lord was late­ly sleep­ing,
And the clothes aside were laid!

Back she drew with fear and quak­ing,
But the an­gel watch­er said:
Jesus is among the liv­ing,
Seek Him not among the dead.

He is ris­en, He is ris­en,
Now dis­pel thy gloom and fear;
From the grave’s em­brace and pri­son
Rose tri­um­phant, He’s not here!
He is ris­en, He is ris­en,
Now dis­pel thy gloom and fear;
From the grave’s em­brace and pri­son
Rose tri­um­phant, He is not here!

Shout with glad­dest ac­cla­ma­tion,
Raise with joy the glad­some sound,
And with great ac­ce­le­ra­tion,
Spread to earth’s re­mot­est bound.
He is ris­en! great in glo­ry;
Death is van­quished, lost its sting!
Vain the grave can boast of vic­to­ry,
He is ris­en Christ the King!
He is ris­en! great in glo­ry;
Death is van­quished, lost its sting!
Vain the grave can boast of vic­to­ry,
He is ris­en Christ the King!