Scripture Verse

Mighty to save. Isaiah 63:1


Words: Au­thor un­known, in Car­mi­na Sac­ra, by Low­ell Ma­son (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: John H. Wil­kins & Ri­chard B. Car­ter, 1844).

Music: Han­well Low­ell Ma­son, 1844 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Lo! the Lord, the migh­ty Sav­ior,
Quits the grave, His throne to claim;
Object of His end­less favor,
God o’er all ex­alts His name;
Those who hate Him—
Clothed with ev­er­last­ing shame.

Shout for joy, with songs of prais­es,
Ye who in His name de­light;
Shout, for God our Sav­ior rais­es
To His throne, in end­less might!
’Tis Je­ho­vah
Crowns our Lord in realms of light!

God His ser­vant lifts to glo­ry,
Bids Him all His hon­ors share:
Now, Je­ho­vah, we ad­ore Thee,
And Thy right­eous­ness de­clare:
Endless prais­es—
Shall Thy ran­somed church pre­pare.