Scripture Verse

A good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


Words: Le­na Thomp­son, in Sing un­to the Lord, ed­it­ed by Charles Ga­bri­el & Will­iam E. M. Hac­kle­man (In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana: Hac­kle­man Mu­sic, 1906), num­ber 138.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thomp­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


We are sol­diers, lit­tle sol­diers,
Fighting for our king and Lord;
Every time we win a bat­tle,
He has pro­mised a reward;
He has pro­mised ev­ery sol­dier,
If they dare the right to do,
Promised them a crown of glo­ry,
If they fight the bat­tle through.


So we march, march away,
Not a mo­ment’s de­lay;
’Neath our ban­ner bright,
For God and right,
We’re sure to win the day.

We are sol­diers, lit­tle sol­diers,
Bravely fight­ing ev­ery sin;
With our Sav­ior for our cap­tain,
We shall all our bat­tles win;
He has pro­mised, if we ask Him,
He will help us day by day;
So we’ll brave­ly march to bat­tle,
Praying, sing­ing all the way.


When at last the fight is ov­er,
And we’ve reached the heav’n­ly shore,
We shall hear our Sav­ior say­ing,
Rest, My sol­diers, ev­er­more;
You have brave­ly fought My bat­tles,
Bravely fought and nob­ly won,
Enter in­to joys eter­nal—
Soldiers of the Lord, well done!
