Scripture Verse

On your feet! He’s calling you. Mark 10:49


Words: Ja­cob A. Cole, in Songs of Life, ed­it­ed by Carl F. Price (New York: Ab­ing­don Press, 1921), num­ber 13.

Music: St. Lou­is Lew­is H. Red­ner, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cole (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lewis H.Redner


In glad obe­di­ence to Thy call,
We seek Thee, gra­cious Lord;
To know Thy will, to serve Thy cause,
Our ea­ger hearts are stirred;
Speak to us by Thy Spir­it,
As to Thy seers of old;
May we from Thee true wis­dom gain
Our will­ing minds to mold.

The place where Thou wouldst have us serve,
The work that we should do
To build the king­dom of Thy Son,
Bring clear­ly to our view;
Then may our in­most spir­it
Respond un­to Thy will,
And as we walk where Thou dost guide
O be Thou with us still.

The life and pow’rs Thou gav­est us,
We de­di­cate today;
The gift we on the al­tar place
Accept, O Lord, we pray;
And when the life we give Thee
Its earth­ly task has done,
Receive and crown us, Lord, with­in
The king­dom Christ has won.