Scripture Verse

Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. Psalm 103:13


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Ra­di­ant Songs, by John R. Swe­ney, Will­iam Kirk­pat­rick & Hen­ry L. Gil­mour (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1891), num­ber 80.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick


When silent falls the gush­ing tear,
O’er cheeks grown pale with care;
And on the heart a cross is laid
That seems too hard to bear,
Remember what our Lord has said,
And trust, in weal or woe,
His ho­ly Word, that chang­eth not,
Though ut­tered years ago.


Like as a father pi­ti­eth His child­ren,
So the Lord pi­ti­eth them that fear Him,
So the Lord pi­ti­eth them that fear Him.

When one by one our trea­sured hopes
Like au­tumn leaves decay,
And they who made our life most dear
Are borne from us away,
O look be­yond the veil of time,
Where springs of com­fort flow,
And trust His Word, that chang­eth not,
Though ut­tered years ago.


The clouds that bode the dark­est hour
The pur­est light may bring;
The heart that mourns its brok­en chords
The sweet­est song may sing;
Though oft a rug­ged path we tread,
Yet this one thing we know,
God’s ho­ly Word can ne­ver change,
Though ut­tered years ago.
