Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Words: M. E. Abbey, in The Re­vi­val No. 1, by Char­lie Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: Char­lie D. Till­man, 1890), num­ber 8. Re­spect­ful­ly de­di­cat­ed to the rail­road men. Some sources claim the lyr­ics are based on an ear­li­er text by Eli­za Snow, but we have found no evi­dence to sup­port this. The song has been re­cord­ed by John­ny Cash, Wil­lie Nel­son, Pat­sy Cline, and Lin­da Ron­stadt, among oth­ers.

Music: El Pa­so Charles D. Till­man, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Tillman


The End of the World
© 2007 Jana K. Bartels

Life is like a mount­ain rail­road,
With an en­gin­eer that’s brave;
We must make the run suc­cess­ful,
From the cradle to the grave;
Watch the curves, the fills, the tun­nels;
Never fal­ter, nev­er quail;
Keep your hand upon the throt­tle,
And your eye up­on the rail.


Blessèd Sav­ior, Thou wilt guide us,
Till we reach that bliss­ful shore;
Where the an­gels wait to join us
In Thy praise for­ev­er­more.

You will roll up grades of tri­al;
You will cross the bridge of strife;
See that Christ is your con­duct­or
On this light­ning train of life;
Always mind­ful of ob­struct­ion,
Do your du­ty, nev­er fail;
Keep your hand upon the throt­tle,
And your eye up­on the rail.


You will oft­en find obs­truct­ions;
Look for storms of wind and rain;
On a fill, or curve, or tres­tle,
They will al­most ditch your train;
Put your trust alone in Je­sus;
Never fal­ter, nev­er fail;
Keep your hand up­on the throt­tle,
And your eye up­on the rail.


As you roll across the tres­tle,
Spanning Jor­dan’s swell­ing tide,
You behold the Un­ion De­pot
Into which your train will glide;
There you’ll meet the su­per­in­tend­ent,
God the Fa­ther, God the Son,
With the hear­ty, joy­ous, plau­dit,
Weary pil­grim, wel­come home!
