Scripture Verse

God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Psalm 47:5


Words: Gottfried W. Sa­cer, 1661, cen­to (Gott fähr­et auf den Him­mel). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Fran­ces E. Cox, Sac­red Hymns from the Ger­man, 1841, alt.

Music: Aus mein­es Herz­ens Grun­de Neu Ca­te­chis­mus-Ge­sang­büch­lein (Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny: 1598) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Sa­cer or Cox (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lo, God to Heav’n as­cend­eth!
Throughout its re­gions vast
With shouts tri­um­phant blend­eth
The trum­pet’s thrill­ing blast:
Sing praise to Christ the Lord;
Sing praise with ex­ul­tation,
King of each hea­then na­tion,
The God of hosts adored!

With joy is Heav’n re­sound­ing
Christ’s glad re­turn to see;
Behold the saints sur­round­ing
The Lord who set them free.
Bright my­ri­ads, throng­ing, come;
The cher­ub band re­joic­es,
And loud se­ra­phic voic­es
All wel­come Je­sus home.

From cross to throne as­cend­ing,
We fol­low Christ on high
And know the path­way wend­ing
To man­sions in the sky.
Our Lord is gone be­fore;
Yet here He will not leave us,
And soon in Heav’n re­ceive us
And op­en wide the door.

Our place He is pre­par­ing;
To Heav’n we, too, shall rise,
With Him His glo­ry shar­ing,
Be where our trea­sure lies.
Bestir thy­self, my soul!
Where Je­sus Christ has en­tered,
There let Thy hope be cen­tered;
Press on­ward to­ward the goal.

Let all our thoughts be wing­ing
To where Thou didst as­cend,
And let our hearts be sing­ing:
We seek Thee, Christ, our friend,
Thee, God’s ex­alt­ed Son,
Our life, and way to Heav­en,
To whom all pow­er is giv­en,
Our joy and hope and crown.