Scripture Verse

Let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1


Francis Bottome

Words: Fran­cis Bot­tome, 1891.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Bottome,

William J. Kirkpatrick


Let us sing of His love once again,
Of the love that can nev­er decay,
Of the blood of the Lamb newly slain,
Till we praise Him again in that day.


Let us sing, let us sing,
Let us sing of His grace full and free;
For He saves, for He saves;
Jesus saves, sweetly saves, even me.

There is cleansing and healing for all
Who have washed in the life giving flood;
There is life ev­er­last­ing and joy
At the right hand of God, thro’ the blood.


Even now while we taste of His love
We are filled with delight at His name;
But what will it be when above
We shall join in the song of the Lamb.


Then we’ll march in His name till we come
At His bidding to enter our rest,
And the Fa­ther shall welcome us home
To our place in the realms of the blest.


So with banner unfurled to the breeze,
Our motto shall holiness be,
Till the crown at His hand we shall seize,
And the King in His glo­ry we see.
