Scripture Verse

To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21


Words: Ja­nette Pal­mi­ter, in Spi­ri­tu­al Songs and Hymns for Pil­grims, New Church edi­tion, ed­it­ed by Ben­ja­min Ti­tus Ro­berts (New York: B. T. Ro­berts, 1879), alt.

Music: Ter­no­pil Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pal­mi­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


O God, my heart doth long for Thee:
Let me die, let me die.
Now set my soul at li­ber­ty:
Let me die, let me die.
To all the trif­ling things of earth,
They’re now to me of lit­tle worth;
My Sav­ior calls, I’m go­ing forth:
Let me die, let me die.

Thy slay­ing pow­er in me dis­play,
Let me die, let me die.
I must be dead from day to day,
Let me die, let me die.
Unto the world and its ap­plause,
To all the cus­toms, fa­shions, laws,
Of those who hate the hum­bling cross,
Let me die, let me die.

My friends may say, I’ll ru­ined be,
Let me die, let me die.
But all I leave, and fol­low Thee,
Let me die, let me die.
Their ar­gu­ments will ne­ver weigh,
Nor stand the try­ing judg­ment day;
Help me to cast them all away,
Let me die, let me die.

Oh, must I die to scoffs and jeers,
Let me die, let me die.
I must be freed from slav­ish fears,
Let me die, let me die.
So dead that no de­sire shall rise
To pass for good, or great, or wise,
In any but my Sav­ior’s eyes!
Let me die, let me die.

If Christ would live and reign in me,
I must die, I must die.
Like Him I cru­ci­fied must be,
I must die, I must die.
Lord, drive the nails, nor heed the groans,
My flesh may writhe, and make its moans,
But in this way and this alone,
I must die, I must die.

Begin at once to drive the nails,
I must die, I must die.
Oh, suf­fer not my heart to fail,
I must die, I must die.
O Christ, I look to Thee for pow­er
To help me to en­dure the hour
When, cru­ci­fied by so­ver­eign pow­er,
I shall die, I shall die.

When I am dead, then, Lord, to Thee
I shall live, I shall live!
My time, my strength, my all to Thee,
Will I give, will I give.
Oh, may the Son now make me free!
Here, Lord, I give my all to Thee,
For time and for eter­ni­ty,
I will live, I will live.