Sing with gladness.
Jeremiah 31:7
Words: Eben E. Rexford, in The Morning Light! by Solomon W. Straub (Chicago, Illinois: Root & Sons Music, 1880), page 71.
Music: Marin W. Irving Hartshorn, 1880 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Hartshorn (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Let every voice with gladness sing,
From mountains to the sea;
In praise and honor of the King
They crowned on Calvary.
Let every heart repeat again
The choral of the day
Be peace on earth, to men good will;
Let strife and discord die!
Oh, Savior, in a manger born,
Accept the love we bring,
As shepherds brought on Christmas morn
Their offering to the King.
Dear Savior, let us at Thy feet
Our tribute offering lay;
And may these gifts of ours be sweet
With gratitude today.
Dear Lord, we bring our hearts to Thee,
Accept them as Thine own;
And let us celebrate with Thee
Thy birthday by the throne.