Scripture Verse

Sing with gladness. Jeremiah 31:7


Words: Eb­en E. Rex­ford, in The Morn­ing Light! by So­lo­mon W. Straub (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Root & Sons Mu­sic, 1880), page 71.

Music: Ma­rin W. Irv­ing Harts­horn, 1880 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Harts­horn (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Eben E. Rexford (1848–1916)


Let ev­ery voice with glad­ness sing,
From mount­ains to the sea;
In praise and hon­or of the King
They crowned on Cal­va­ry.


Let ev­ery heart re­peat again
The cho­ral of the day
Be peace on earth, to men good will;
Let strife and dis­cord die!

Oh, Sav­ior, in a man­ger born,
Accept the love we bring,
As shep­herds brought on Christ­mas morn
Their of­fer­ing to the King.


Dear Sav­ior, let us at Thy feet
Our trib­ute of­fer­ing lay;
And may these gifts of ours be sweet
With gra­ti­tude today.


Dear Lord, we bring our hearts to Thee,
Accept them as Thine own;
And let us ce­le­brate with Thee
Thy birth­day by the throne.
