Scripture Verse

The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Mark 1:15


Catherine Winkworth

Words: Hein­rich Held (Gott sei dank durch alle Welt), in Prax­is Pi­eta­tis Me­li­ca, by Jo­hann Crü­ger, 1659. Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Chor­ale Book for Eng­land (Lon­don: Long­man, Green, Long­man, Ro­berts and Green, 1863), num­ber 24 (aut­hor of stan­za 7 un­known).

Music: Nun komm En­chi­ri­di­on Oder Hand­büch­lein, by Jo­hann Wal­ther (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1524). Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Johann Bach (1685–1750)


Let the earth now praise the Lord.
Who hath tru­ly kept His word
And the sin­ner’s help and friend
Now at last to us doth send.

What the fa­thers most de­sired,
What the pro­phet’s heart in­spired,
What they longed for ma­ny a year,
Stands ful­filled in glo­ry here.

Abram’s pro­mised great re­ward,
Zion’s help­er, Ja­cob’s Lord,
Him of two­fold race be­hold,
Truly came, as long fore­told.

Welcome, O my Sav­ior, now!
Hail! My por­tion, Lord, art Thou.
Here, too, in my heart, I pray,
Oh, pre­pare Thy­self a way!

King of Glo­ry, en­ter in;
Cleanse it from the filth of sin,
As Thou hast so oft­en done;
It be­longs to Thee alone.

As Thy com­ing was in peace,
Quiet, full of gen­tle­ness,
Let the same mind dwell in me
That was ev­er found in Thee.

Comfort my des­pond­ing heart:
Thou my strength and re­fuge art.
I am weak, and cun­ning­ly
Satan lays his snares for me.

Bruise for me the ser­pent’s head,
That, set free from doubt and dread,
I may cleave to Thee in faith,
Safely kept through life and death.

And when Thou dost come again
As a glo­ri­ous king to reign,
I with joy may see Thy face,
Freely ran­somed by Thy grace.