Scripture Verse

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35


Lewis T. Hartsough (1828–1919)

Words: Morse V. Clute, in Spi­ri­tu­al Songs and Hymns for Pilg­rims, New Church edi­tion, by Ben­ja­min Ti­tus Ro­berts (Ro­ches­ter, New York: B. T. Ro­berts, 1879).

Music: Let Me Stay Lew­is T. Hart­sough (🔊 pdf nwc).

Morse V. Clute (1823–1896)


Let me stay: I fain would la­bor
In the vine­yard of the Lord;
For the fields are rea­dy, whit­en­ing,
Jesus says so in His word.
Let me thrust the Spir­it’s sic­kle,
In the fields alrea­dy white;
Let me blow the Gos­pel trum­pet,
Let me do with all my might.

Let me stay and wear the ar­mor
That my Fa­ther doth sup­ply;
Let me cheer the brok­en-heart­ed,
Help the pil­grim on his way
Let me point the poor and needy
To a bound­less store of grace,
To a man­sion in the hea­vens,
Where the wea­ry are at rest.

Let me stay and warn poor sin­ners
Of the dan­ger they are in,
While by Christ they’re un­pro­tect­ed,
Foes with­out and foes with­in.
Let me tell how Je­sus loved them
When He died up­on the tree,
When He cried in grief and ang­uish,
Why has Thou for­sak­en Me?

Let me stay a lit­tle long­er,
Gathering for the gar­ner great,
Golden sheaves, oh, pre­cious jewels,
Stars in Je­sus’ crown com­plete.
Let me fin­ish all my la­bor;
Then my ar­mor I’ll lay down,
And with Je­sus Christ, my Sav­ior,
Ever wear a star­ry crown.

Then I’ll range the fields of Hea­ven,
And with an­gels ev­er sing,
Hallelujah! glo­ry! glo­ry!
Hallelujah to my king!
Then with white-robed se­raphs wor­ship
’Round the Fa­ther’s great white throne,
Always cry­ing, Thou art wor­thy!
O my God, and Thou alone!