Scripture Verse

Let the little chil­dren come to Me. Matthew 19:14


George F. Root (1820–1895)

Words: James Reed, in The Ho­san­na (New York: New Church Press, 1920), page 155.

Music: Suf­fer Lit­tle Child­ren George F. Root (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a better pho­to of Reed,

James Reed (1834–1921)


Let lit­tle child­ren come to Me,
So says our bless­èd Lord;
And I, a lit­tle child, must be
Obedient to His Word;
On Sab­bath days must sing His praise,
And bow be­fore Him, for He says,
Let lit­tle child­ren come to Me,
Let lit­tle chil­dren come.

Let li­ttle chil­dren come to Me,
It is my Sav­ior’s call;
He spake it not to two or three,
But to the chil­dren all;
And so, when they His law ob­ey,
It is as if they heard Him say,
Let lit­tle chil­dren come to Me,
Let lit­tle chil­dren come.

Let lit­tle chil­dren come to Me,
O Fa­ther, Lord, I come;
Through life and death I’ll go with Thee,
Thine arms shall be my home.
I can­not fear when Thou art near;
And Thy sweet words I seem to hear,
Let lit­tle chil­dren come to Me,
Let lit­tle chil­dren come.