Scripture Verse

The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, The New Gold­en Chain (New York: Big­low & Main, 1866), pag­es 50–51 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


Let the Gos­pel trum­pet sound,
And the joy­ful tid­ings roll,
Shedding life and peace around,
’Till they reach from pole to pole.
From the snow clad mount­ain peak,
O’er the smil­ing vales be­low,
Let the heal­ing stream of mercy
Like a gen­tle ri­ver flow;
For the time is draw­ing near,
And a glo­ri­ous time ’twill be,
When the truth shall ov­er­spread the earth,
As wa­ters fill the sea;
And Mes­si­ah’s ho­ly name
Be in ev­ery clime adored,
And the king­doms of the world be­come
The king­doms of the Lord.


Let the Gos­pel trum­pet sound,
And the joy­ful tid­ings roll,
Like the migh­ty waves of ocean wide,
That reach from pole to pole.

Go ye forth to ev­ery land,
Preach the Gos­pel in My name,

Was the Sav­ior’s great com­mand;
Joy to ev­ery soul pro­claim,
To the wea­ry tell of rest;
Open wide the pri­son door,
Fear ye not, for I am with you,
Till the world shall be no more.

Lo, the miss­ion fields are white
With your ban­ners wide un­furled,
Go, ye her­alds of sal­va­tion,
Preach re­pent­ance to the world.
With the Bi­ble in your hand,
And your Fa­ther’s smile to cheer,
You shall reap a gold­en har­vest,
And the hap­py time is near.


From their id­ols turned away,
By the light of par­don­ing love,
Shall the na­tions learn to pray
To the God who reigns above;
From the is­lands of the deep,
Over In­dia’s sul­try plain,
Shall a cho­ral hymn be waft­ed
To our na­tive land again.
For the time is draw­ing near,
And a glo­ri­ous time ’twill be,
When the truth shall ov­er­spread the earth
As wa­ters fill the sea;
And Mes­si­ah’s ho­ly name
Be in ev­ery clime adored,
And the king­doms of the world be­come
The king­doms of the Lord.
