Scripture Verse

The Gentiles shall come to Thy light, and kings to the brightness of Thy rising. Isaiah 60:3


Words: Er­nest Hawk­ins, Vers­es in Com­me­mo­ra­tion of the Third Ju­bi­lee of the S. P. G. 1851–52.

Music: Mer­ton (Monk) Will­iam H. Monk, in The Par­ish Choir, 1850 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hawk­ins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William Monk (1823–1889)


Lord, a Sav­ior’s love dis­play­ing,
Show the hea­then lands Thy way;
Thousands still like sheep are stray­ing
In the dark and cloudy day.

Shades of death are ga­ther­ing o’er them,
Lord, they per­ish from Thy sight!
Let Thine an­gel go be­fore them;
Bring the Gen­tiles to Thy light.

Fetch them home from ev­ery na­tion,
From the is­lands of the sea;
By the word of Thy sal­va­tion
Call the wan­der­ers back to Thee.

Thou their pas­ture hast pro­vid­ed,
Grant the bless­ing long fore­told;
Let Thy sheep, di­vine­ly guid­ed,
Find at last the one true fold.