Scripture Verse

Say unto God, How terrible art Thou in Thy works! Through the greatness of Thy power shall Thine enemies submit themselves unto Thee. Psalm 66:3


Nahum Tate (1652–1715)

Words: From A New Ver­sion of the Psalms of Da­vid, by Na­hum Tate & Ni­cho­las Bra­dy, 1696, num­ber 66.

Music: Lan­sing (Sab­bath), in The Sab­bath Hymn and Tune Book (New York & Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ma­son Bro­thers & J. E. Til­ton, 1859), page 26 (🔊 pdf nwc). Note: Due to the me­ter of this tune, a verse in this hymn would be need to be skipped (or a verse re­peat­ed).

Alternate Tune:

  • Aberdeen pos­si­bly by An­drew Tait, 1749 (🔊 pdf nwc)


Let all the lands with shouts of joy
To God their voic­es raise;
Sing psalms in hon­or of His name,
And spread His glo­ri­ous praise.

And let them say, How dread­ful, Lord,
In all Thy works art Thou!
To Thy great power Thy stub­born foes
Shall all be forced to bow.

Thro’ all the earth the na­tions round
Shall Thee their God con­fess;
And with glad hymns their aw­ful dread
Of Thy great name ex­press.

O! come, be­hold the works of God,
And then with me you’ll own,
That He to all the sons of men
Has won­drous judg­ments shown.

He made the sea be­come dry land,
Thro’ which our fa­thers walked;
Whilst to each oth­er of His might
With joy His peo­ple talked.

He by His pow­er for ev­er rules;
His eyes the world sur­vey:
Let no pre­sump­tu­ous man re­bel
Against His so­ver­eign sway.

O! all ye na­tions, bless our God,
And loud­ly speak His praise;
Who keeps our souls alive, and still
Confirms our stead­fast ways.

For Thou hast tried us, Lord, as fire
Does try the pre­cious ore:
Thou brought’st us in­to straits where we
Oppressing bur­dens bore.

Insulting foes did us, their slaves,
Thro’ fire and water chase;
But yet at last Thou brought’st us forth
Into a weal­thy place.

Burnt of­fer­ings to Thy house I’ll bring,
And there my vows I’ll pay;
Which I with so­lemn zeal did make
In trou­ble’s dis­mal day.

Then shall the rich­est in­cense smoke,
The fat­test rams shall fall,
The choic­est goats from out the fold,
And bul­locks from the stall.

O! come, all ye that fear the Lord,
Attend with heed­ful care;
Whilst I, what God for me has done,
With grate­ful joy de­clare.

As I be­fore His aid im­plored,
So now I’ll praise His name;
Who, if my heart, had har­bored sin,
Would all my pray­ers dis­claim.

But God to me, when­e’er I cried,
His gra­cious ear did bend;
And to the voice of my re­quest,
With con­stant love at­tend.

Then blessed for ev­er be my God,
Who ne­ver, when I pray,
Withholds His mer­cy from my soul,
Nor turns His face away.