Scripture Verse

Come near to God, and He will come near to you. James 4:8


Words: Cur­tis S. Kauff­man, 1900.

Music: Saint Lu­cia Cur­tis S. Kauff­man, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kauff­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Would you be a vic­tor ov­er ev­ery foe,
Conquer every tri­al in this world be­low;
Overcome temp­ta­tions that each day you meet?
Keep in touch with Je­sus; He will keep you sweet.


Keep in touch with Je­sus, tho’ the path be dim;
Let no cloud nor sha­dow sev­er you from Him.
Joy or sor­row greet you, friend or foe you meet,
Keep in touch with Je­sus; He will keep you sweet.

Many hearts are brok­en—oft an ach­ing breast
Waits the mes­sage spok­en that will give it rest;
You per­haps can bring them joy and peace complete,
Keep in touch with Je­sus; He will keep you sweet.


Would you be a bless­ing all along the way;
Would you be pos­ses­sing per­fect love each day?
Let the Holy Spir­it ov­er­come de­feat;
Keep in touch with Je­sus; He will keep you sweet.


Would you have com­mun­ion with your Lord each day,
Have a bless­èd un­ion with Him all the way;
Praying with­out ceas­ing, learn­ing at His feet?
Keep in touch with Je­sus; He will keep you sweet.
