Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Revelation 2:10
Words & Music: Bessie F. Hatcher, in Songs of Mounting Up No. 2, edited by John M. Harris & Robert E. McNeill (Cincinnati, Ohio: God’s Revivalist Office, 1915), number 14 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Hatcher (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
If you’re in the battle for the Lord and right,
Keep on the firing line;
If you’d surely win, my brother, you must fight,
And keep on the firing line;
There are many dangers everyone must face,
If you die a-fighting that is no disgrace;
With the Lord for cowards you will find no place,
So keep on the firing line.
Then fight brave against all evil,
Never run or even lag behind;
If you would win for God and right,
Keep on the firing line.
God will only use the soldiers He can trust,
To keep on the firing line;
If you’d wear a crown then bear a cross you must,
And keep on the firing line;
Life is ours to labor for the Master here,
Help to banish evil and to spread good cheer;
Great reward He gives you for the service here,
So keep on the firing line.
When you get to glory, brother, you’ll be glad
God had the firing line;
How you’ll praise the Master for the call you had,
To get on the firing line;
When you see the precious souls you helped to win,
Leading them to Jesus from the paths of sin,
Hear the shout of welcome when we all march in,
Who served on the firing line.