Scripture Verse

It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27


Martin W. Knapp (1853–1901)

Words: Mar­tin M. Knapp, Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Mar­tin W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 94, alt.

Music: Ro­bert E. Mc­Neill (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert E. McNeill (1861–1937)


Have you heard of the ap­point­ment
Which we all must sure­ly meet,
When the fi­nal court as­sem­bles,
With the Judge up­on His seat?
You will cer­tain­ly be sum­moned,
For the Bi­ble tells me so,
And what­ev­er your en­gage­ments,
You must to the judg­ment go.


Oh, the weep­ing and the wail­ing,
As the wick­ed turn away
To their aw­ful doom eter­nal,
At the fi­nal judg­ment day.

Every eye shall then be­hold Him,
See the Judge up­on His throne,
And the wick­ed quail be­fore Him,
All their guilt com­pelled to own;
Once de­rid­ed, now ex­alt­ed,
Every knee to Him shall bow,
Many slight­ed, Christ re­ject­ed,
What a fear­ful har­vest now!


Every deed you have com­mit­ted
Will ap­pear be­fore the throne,
All your in­ner, hid­den sec­rets
Then shall cer­tain­ly be known;
All the courts of Heav’n as­sem­bled,
What a ga­th’ring that will be!
If you are not saved and rea­dy,
What a dread­ful day for thee!


Oh, the so­lemn, tra­gic hor­rors
Of that aw­ful day of days,
When the earth shall be on fire,
And the hea­vens all ablaze;
When the wick­ed, in their fren­zy,
On their knees shall wail­ing fall,
And up­on the rocks and mount­ains,
All in vain for help shall call.


Then the dread­ed, aw­ful sen­tence
Shall at last from Him be heard,
With no hope of a re­vers­al;
He can ne­ver change His word;
Cursèd souls, de­part for­ev­er!
To the pun­ish­ment pre­pared,
For the de­vil and his an­gels,

Awful doom, for­ev­er shared.
