Scripture Verse

A friend of tax collectors and sinners. Luke 7:34


Robert H. Coleman (1869–1946)

Words: Ro­bert H. Cole­man, The New Evan­gel (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Am­eri­can Bap­tist Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1911), num­ber 1.

Music: Bra­zor­ia Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Jesus, Sav­ior, friend of sin­ners,
Waits to wel­come, waits to bless;
And I must not keep Him wait­ing,
For I long for hap­pi­ness.


He my soul with blood hath ran­somed,
And will keep me to the end;
He’s en­ti­tled to my best love,
For He is the sin­ner’s friend.

Jesus, Sav­ior, friend of sin­ners,
Comes to cheer my heart to­day;
He has shoul­dered ev­ery bur­den,
And will help me all the way.


Jesus, Sav­ior, friend of sin­ners,
Comes to com­fort, comes to cheer;
And I’ll not go mourn­ing long­er,
For He saves me now and here.


Jesus, Sav­ior, friend of sin­ners,
He has been a friend to me;
And to think with Him in glo­ry
I shall reign eter­nal­ly!
