Scripture Verse

My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. Psalm 63:5


Paul Rader (1878–1938)

Words & Mu­sic: Paul Ra­der, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).


When Jes­us no long­er stands pre­cious­ly nigh,
When sor­rows like sea bil­lows roll;
I look to the Rock that is high­er than I,
And peace, won­drous peace floods my soul.


Jesus sa­tis­fies, Je­sus sa­tis­fies;
Clouds at His pre­sence roll away;
Jesus sa­tis­fies, Je­sus sa­tis­fies;
His glo­ry turns my dark­ness in­to day.

The sun may be shin­ing on fields bright and gay,
With spring­time per­fumes in the breeze;
Yet, life with­out Je­sus is win­ter in May,
Without Him no pros­pect can please.


If liv­ing like Paul all vic­tor­ious and free,
Tho’ beat­en while mul­ti­tudes stare;
Tho’ put be­hind bars ’twould be Heav­en to me,
For Je­sus will dwell with me there.


If faith­ful in stand­ing for what I be­lieve
Brings scoff­ing and fire, I can dare
To laugh in the fur­nace where I am to burn,
For Je­sus will dwell with me there.
