They saw that the stone was rolled away.
Mark 16:4
Words: Charles S. Nutter, in The Methodist Sunday School Hymnal, by John R. Van Pelt & Peter Lutkin (New York: Methodist Book Concern, 1911), number 101.
Music: Easter Joy (Lutkin) Peter C. Lutkin (🔊 pdf nwc).
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It was, of course, the Easter anniversary that brought the subject to my mind. I have a steadfast faith that Christian people are and ought to be the happiest of all people and ought to
fill the world with song; and if I can write anything that will increase the joy I shall be very glad.Charles Nutter, quoted in The Christian Advocate, November 28, 1912
Joy, joy, immortal joy!
The Lord is ris’n to reign;
On Easter day, the Scriptures say,
Christ rose to life again.
On Easter day, the Scriptures say,
Christ rose to life again.
Joy, deep and living joy!
The stone is rolled away;
The empty tomb has lost its gloom,
The night has turned to day.
The empty tomb hast lost its gloom,
The night has turned to day.
Joy, pure and sacred joy!
Let men and angels sing;
Let every voice in song rejoice
To praise our Lord and king.
Let every voice in song rejoice
To praise our Lord and king.
Joy, rich and endless joy!
High Heav’n the praise prolong;
Let holy joy all tongues employ
And fill the world with song.
Let holy joy all tongues employ
And fill the world with song.