Scripture Verse

They saw that the stone was rolled away. Mark 16:4


Charles S. Nutter

Words: Charles S. Nut­ter, in The Me­tho­dist Sun­day School Hym­nal, by John R. Van Pelt & Pe­ter Lut­kin (New York: Me­tho­dist Book Con­cern, 1911), num­ber 101.

Music: East­er Joy (Lut­kin) Pe­ter C. Lut­kin (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get bet­ter pho­to of Nut­ter,

Peter C. Lutkin (1858–1931)

It was, of course, the East­er an­ni­ver­sa­ry that brought the sub­ject to my mind. I have a stead­fast faith that Chri­stian peo­ple are and ought to be the hap­pi­est of all peo­ple and ought to fill the world with song; and if I can write any­thing that will in­crease the joy I shall be ve­ry glad.

Charles Nut­ter, quot­ed in The Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate, No­vem­ber 28, 1912


Joy, joy, im­mor­tal joy!
The Lord is ris’n to reign;
On East­er day, the Scrip­tures say,
Christ rose to life again.
On East­er day, the Scrip­tures say,
Christ rose to life again.

Joy, deep and liv­ing joy!
The stone is rolled away;
The emp­ty tomb has lost its gloom,
The night has turned to day.
The emp­ty tomb hast lost its gloom,
The night has turned to day.

Joy, pure and sacr­ed joy!
Let men and an­gels sing;
Let ev­ery voice in song re­joice
To praise our Lord and king.
Let ev­ery voice in song re­joice
To praise our Lord and king.

Joy, rich and end­less joy!
High Heav’n the praise pro­long;
Let ho­ly joy all tongues em­ploy
And fill the world with song.
Let ho­ly joy all tongues em­ploy
And fill the world with song.