Scripture Verse

I am meek and lowly in heart. Matthew 11:29


Caspar Ett (1788–1847)

Words: Hen­ry A. Col­lins, Hymns for Mis­sions 1854.

Music: St. Mar­tin Cas­par Ett, Can­ta Sac­ra 1840 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Coll­ins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesu, meek and low­ly,
Savior, pure and ho­ly,
On Thy love re­ly­ing
Hear me hum­bly cry­ing.

Prince of life and pow­er,
My sal­va­tion’s tow­er,
On the cross I view Thee
Calling sin­ners to Thee.

There be­hold me gaz­ing
At the sight amaz­ing;
Bending low be­fore Thee,
Helpless I adore Thee.

By Thy red wounds stream­ing,
With Thy life blood gleam­ing,
Blood for sin­ners flow­ing
Pardon free be­stow­ing;

By that fount of bless­ing,
Thy dear love ex­press­ing,
All my ach­ing sad­ness
Turn Thou into glad­ness.

Lord, in mer­cy guide me,
Be Thou e’er be­side me;
In Thy ways di­rect me;
’Neath Thy wings pro­tect me.