Scripture Verse

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for Thy name’s sake. Psalm 79:9


Edward J. Hopkins

Words: James J. Cum­mins, Seals of the Co­ve­nant Op­ened in the Sac­ra­ments 1839.

Music: Ra­pha­el (Hop­kins) Ed­ward J. Hop­kins, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Cum­mins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesu, Lord of life and glo­ry,
Bend from Heav’n Thy gra­cious ear;
While our wait­ing souls adore Thee,
Friend of help­less sin­ners, hear:
By Thy mercy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

Taught by Thine un­err­ing Spir­it,
Boldly we draw nigh to God,
Only in Thy spot­less mer­it,
Only through Thy pre­cious blood:
By Thy mer­cy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

From the depth of na­ture’s blind­ness,
From the hard­en­ing pow­er of sin,
From all mal­ice and un­kind­ness,
From the pride that lurks with­in:
By Thy mercy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

When temp­ta­tion sore­ly press­es,
In the day of Sa­tan’s pow­er,
In our times of deep dis­tresses,
In each dark and try­ing hour:
By Thy mer­cy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

When the world around is smil­ing,
In the time of wealth and ease,
Earthly joys our hearts be­guil­ing,
In the day of health and peace,
By Thy mer­cy, O deliver us, good Lord.

In the wea­ry hours of sick­ness,
In the times of grief and pain,
When we feel our mor­tal weak­ness,
When the crea­ture’s help is vain:
By Thy mer­cy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

In the so­lemn hour of dying,
In the aw­ful judg­ment day,
May our souls, on Thee re­ly­ing,
Find Thee still our rock and stay:
By Thy mer­cy, O de­liv­er us, good Lord.

Jesu, may Thy pro­mised bless­ing
Comfort to our souls af­ford;
May we now, Thy love pos­sess­ing,
And at length our full re­ward,
Ever praise Thee, Thee, our ev­er glo­ri­ous Lord.