Scripture Verse

I will trust in Thee. Psalm 55:23


Words: Ma­ry J. Walk­er, in Psalms and Hymns for Pub­lic and So­cial Wor­ship, 1855.

Music: An­gel­comb Ira D. San­key, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Walk­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)

Major Whit­tle gives an ex­am­ple of this hymn’s use­ful­ness, out of ma­ny in­stan­ces: “I was hold­ing meet­ings in Bel­fast. At one of the after-meet­ings I no­ticed a man re­main­ing be­hind when al­most all the oth­ers had gone.

“I spoke to him and found that he was a mer­chant in the ci­ty. He was in much dis­tress about his sins. I showed him Christ the Sav­iour, who died for sin­ners, and tried to get him to ap­pro­pri­ate that Sav­iour to him­self.

“I saw there was a great strug­gle go­ing on in his soul, the pow­ers for good and ev­il evi­dent­ly striv­ing for mas­te­ry. We went down on our knees and prayed. Then af­ter a while he straight­ened him­self up and gave vent to his feel­ings in this hymn, for he was a ca­pi­tal sing­er…

It was a song of vic­to­ry ov­er Sa­tan, and a song of praise to Christ, through whom he had con­quered. From that hour he has done splen­did work for Christ among the worst of men.

Sankey, pp. 171–72


Jesus, I will trust Thee,
Trust Thee with my soul;
Guilty, lost, and help­less,
Thou canst make me whole.
There is none in Heav­en
Or on earth like Thee:
Thou hast died for sin­ners—
Therefore Lord for me.


In Thy love con­fid­ing
I will seek Thy face,
Worship and adore Thee,
For Thy won­drous grace.
Jesus, I will trust Thee,
Trust Thee with my soul;
Guilty, lost and help­less,
Thou canst make me whole.

Jesus, I can trust Thee,
Trust Thy writ­ten Word,
Since Thy voice of mer­cy
I have oft­en heard,
When Thy Spir­it teach­eth,
To my taste how sweet—
Only may I heark­en,
Sitting at Thy feet.


Jesus, I do trust Thee,
Trust Thee with­out doubt;
Whosoever com­eth,
Thou wilt not cast out,

Faithful is Thy pro­mise,
Precious is Thy blood—
These my soul’s sal­va­tion,
Thou my Sav­ior God!
