Scripture Verse

They that are far from Thee shall perish. Psalm 73:27


Thomas B. Pollock

Words: Tho­mas B. Poll­ock, 1870.

Music: Ag­nes Ed­ward Bun­nett, 1877 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bun­nett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesus, we are far away
From the light of hea­ven­ly day;
Lost in paths of sin we stray:
Lord, in mer­cy hear us.

Help us to be­wail our sin,
And, in hea­ven­ly strength, be­gin
Daily vic­to­ries to win:
Lord, in mer­cy hear us.

May Thy wis­dom be our guide,
Comfort, rest, and peace pro­vide
Near to Thy pro­tect­ing side:
Lord, in mer­cy hear us.

Fix our hearts on things on high;
Let no ev­il thoughts come nigh;
Purge from sin our me­mo­ry:
Lord, in mer­cy hear us.

May Thy grace with­in the soul
Nature’s way­ward­ness con­trol,
Guiding to­ward the hea­ven­ly goal:
Lord, in mer­cy hear us.