Scripture Verse

God…highly exalted Him, and [gave] Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. Philippians 2:9–10


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2018 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


Jesus, Your Name is far above ev­ery name, I know,
For You stand be­hind Your awe­some name alone.
Jesus, You are the Great I AM from be­fore all cre­ation,
For when God spoke, You were the Word of God Al­migh­ty,
You were the Word who was with God and He alone was God,
And only You cre­at­ed all and all with such great beau­ty.


Jesus, Your Name alone means more to me;
Jesus, Your Name is ho­ly.
Your pre­cious blood co­vers all our sin,
Through You alone, I’ve been made clean again.

You were the Great I AM that spoke to Mos­es that day,
You sat on God’s throne, lof­ty, ex­alt­ed on high,
You also dwelt among us show­ing us the on­ly nar­row way,
Wonderful Coun­sel­or, Al­migh­ty God,
Eternal Fa­ther, Prince of Peace, our re­fuge, our strength,
Son of God, You love us, and are with us,
And make us ho­ly on­ly un­to You.


Jesus, our Rock and Fort­ress when all around us fails;
You’re the true light that shines in this dark world of woe.
As our Great Shep­herd, full of grace,
Your glo­ry and life leads us on,
You guide us in the way we should go,
And as our Bread of Life, we live on Your ev­ery word;
Your love, truth, and life our souls You re­store
As we make You our God, our on­ly Lord.


Jesus, our Pas­chal Lamb of God, take away our sin,
By Your own death re­deem us to God so we’ll live,
Eternal life in Your pre­sence for­ev­er above.
You are our vine, as branch­es we reach out to You.
You have ov­er­come the world,
You’re our ma­jes­tic com­ing King,
Our sole hope of glo­ry are You!
O come, Lord Je­sus, come, and take us Home with You!
