Scripture Verse

Cast all your care on Him, for He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7


Words: Gi­ro­la­mo Sa­vo­na­ro­la (1452–1498) (Gie­sù som­mo con­for­to). Pub­lished by Fra Se­ra­fi­no Raz­zi in Lau­di Spir­it­uali (Ve­nice, It­aly: 1563). Trans­lat­ed from Ita­li­an to Eng­lish by Jane F. Wilde in Life and Mar­tyr­dom of Sa­vo­na­ro­la, by R. R. Mad­den, 1853.

Music: O du Liebe Er­bau­lich­er mu­si­ka­lisch­er Chris­ten-Schatz, by Jo­hann Thom­men (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: Da­ni­el Eck­en­stein, 1745) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wilde or Thom­men (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Girolamo Savonarola (1452–1498)


Jesus, re­fuge of the wea­ry,
Object of the spir­it’s love,
Fountain in life’s de­sert drea­ry,
Savior from the world above.
O how oft Thine eyes, of­fend­ed,
Gaze up­on the sin­ner’s fall;
Yet up­on the cross ex­tend­ed,
Thou didst bear the pain of all.

Do we pass that cross un­heed­ing,
Breathing no re­pent­ant vow,
Though we see Thee wound­ed, bleed­ing,
See Thy thorn en­cir­cled brow?
Yet Thy sin­less death hath brought us
Life eter­nal, peace, and rest;
Only what Thy grace hath taught us
Calms the sin­ner’s stor­my breast.

Jesus, may our hearts be burn­ing
With more fer­vent love for Thee;
May our eyes be ev­er turn­ing
To Thy cross of ago­ny;
Till in glo­ry, part­ed ne­ver
From the bless­èd Sav­ior’s side,
Graven in our hearts for­ev­er,
Dwell the cross, the Cru­ci­fied.