I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.
Isaiah 63:1
Words: Lelia N. Morris, in Songs of Redemption, edited by Joshua Gill, George A. McLaughlin, William J. Kirkpatrick & Henry L. Gilmour (Boston, Massachusetts: Christian Witness Company, 1899), number 126.
Music: Lelia N. Morris (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a better photo of Morris,
When the tempests rage and the storms beat high,
There is refuge near, and a shelter nigh;
He who calmed the winds and the rolling wave
Is Jehovah still, and is strong to save.
Mighty to save and strong to deliver,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Mighty to save and strong to deliver,
Jesus is mighty to save.
Not a cloud so dark, but His love shines thro’,
Not a shade so deep but His face we view;
For His arm is strong, and His heart is kind,
All who in Him trust shall a Savior find.
Not a tear drop falls but the Savior knows,
And His great heart throbs with our bitter woes;
For He knows our flesh and our feeble frame,
Every pang we feel, He has known the same.
Never yet in vain has a sinner cried,
Never yet in vain was the blood applied;
Whosoever will may in Him be blest,
Whosoever will find a perfect rest.