Scripture Verse

Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you. Acts 2:22


Daniel Whittle (1840–1901)

Words: Da­ni­el W. Whit­tle, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 6, ed­it­ed by Ira D. San­key, James Mc­Gra­na­han & George C. Steb­bins (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio; New York; Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: John Church/Big­low & Main, 1891), num­ber 50. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as El Na­than, Whit­tle’s pseu­do­nym.

Music: Den­ver James Mc­Gra­na­han (🔊 pdf nwc).

James McGranahan (1840–1907)



Jesus of Na­za­reth! O what a name!
Let us re­joice and His glo­ry pro­claim;
Savior and keep­er for­ev­er the same,
Shepherd, Re­deem­er and Lord.


Jesus of Na­za­reth, once cru­ci­fied,
Jesus of Na­za­reth, now glo­ri­fied,
Jesus of Na­za­reth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Na­za­reth, tru­ly a man,
Low in His cra­dle His life He began,
Lived be­fore God, both in pat­tern and plan,
Righteous, obe­di­ent One.


Jesus of Na­za­reth, nailed to the tree,
Dying that we by His death might be free,
Bearing the curse all for you and for me,
Dying a ran­som for all.


Jesus of Na­za­reth, raised from the dead,
Spotless and ho­ly, and still in our stead,
Made for us ev­er our glo­ri­fied head,
Raised from the dead for us all.


Jesus of Na­za­reth, seat­ed on high,
Sending the Spir­it of grace to ap­ply
Life through the Word un­to men far and nigh,
Offering sal­va­tion to all.


Jesus of Na­za­reth, earth’s com­ing king,
Peace to the war­ring world soon He shall bring,
Nations of saved ones His prais­es shall sing;
All shall bow down at His name.
